There are parents who go the extra mile just to keep Santa alive, at least in the minds of their children. This is not to say that they just want to fool their kids about the existence of Santa. There are reasons why some parents want to keep Santa alive, and you should too.
They need something to be excited about
Kids seem to be excited about a lot of things, but nothing can make them more excited than Christmas. They know that there are a lot of things that will happen during Christmas, and one of them is that Santa will come to bring gifts. Of course, the gift comes from you, but it would be nice if you tell them that it comes from Santa. They will surely be mind-blown and will have reason to remain excited about Christmas.
They will keep doing good things
The idea of Santa is that if children do good things, Santa will reward them. Therefore, allowing them to think that there is a Santa out there looking at their actions, they will become more responsible. They will do what is morally right. This helps you in teaching an important lesson to them. Besides, it does not hurt if they start doing good things to others.
Spare them from feeling hurt
Some parents think that saying Santa is not real right now will hurt them but eventually, they will move on. Yes, this might be true, but your kids will surely experience a lot of pain in life in the future. You would rather spare them from that feeling for as long as you can. Besides, believing that Santa is real does not hurt them in any way, so there is no need to hurry in saying Santa does not exist.
You want to keep them young
There are signs that will tell you later that your children are growing up. As a parent, it is not easy to accept this reality. In your heart, you want your kids to stay young forever. Once they know Santa is not real, they will ask more questions, and this leads them to maturity. Before you know it, they will already be adults who don’t believe what you say. Of course, it is inevitable, but you just want to keep them your babies for as long as you can.
This will make them more inquisitive
The good thing about kids is that they keep asking questions and sometimes, they ask the most difficult questions. This is a good thing because this exercises their brain. This helps a lot in their development. As such, killing Santa from their mind will make them more sceptical. Instead of asking questions, they will start to think that everything is a lie.
Now that you understand the reasons why it is best to keep Santa alive in their minds, the next thing to do is to buy a letter from Santa in the UK for each of them. This will help them believe that Santa is indeed real and should keep them excited about Christmas.
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