Office chairs are meant to be comfortable and stylish. Keep reading for 7 tips on finding the best office chair for your home.
If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer at home like most other Americans, then you may be suffering from some soreness due to sitting in a less than ideal office chair.
Thankfully, there are many options out there that are not only stylish, but also ergonomic. So how do you choose the optimal one? Here are 7 tips on finding the best office chair for your home.
1. Look for Adjustable Features
People come in different sizes and shapes, which means office chairs won’t be one size fits all. If you buy an office chair with adjustable features, you’ll have a higher chance of comfort with the right settings.
2. Consider the Material
A leather office chair may look elegant, but when you’re sitting in it for hours, it can quickly become sticky, especially if it’s hot and you sweat easily. While cloth doesn’t look as nice, it’s more breathable. Look for materials that are soft and breathable so you won’t get too hot while you’re in the chair.
3. Get One with a Full Back
When using your office chair, chances are, you’ll be spending hours it in every day. Without full back support, you’re almost guaranteed to get back, neck, and shoulder pains.
Consider getting something like an Eames chair, which has several versions with great back support. has some examples for you to look at for inspiration.
4. Think About Arm Support
If you’re reclining a lot, you’ll want to think about armrests. These can come in handy when you’re sitting and chatting on the phone or just pondering the meaning of life.
5. Get a Chair That Accommodates Your Movements
If you’re really busy while at home, then you might need and office chair that moves when you need to move. Most office chairs come with wheels, but not all are created equal.
If you need a chair that moves easily, test some out in stores to see which ones roll around and swivel smoothly to suit your needs.
6. Look for a Waterfall Seat Design
This is an ergonomic seat design that’ll keep pain away for hours. A waterfall seat design is where the seat curves down so it doesn’t put pressure behind the knees. You’ll get better blood flow so your legs don’t ache when you stand up.
7. Take Note of Where Your Feet Are
An office chair can tick off all the boxes but fail to accommodate your feet. It may not seem like a huge detail, but it can lead to some health issues if your feet aren’t properly positioned.
If your feet aren’t flat on the ground when you sit in the chair, either consider a different chair or think about picking up a foot rest.
Pick a Comfortable Office Chair
When you choose a comfortable office chair to use, it’ll make a world of difference. Say goodbye to annoying aches and pains and hello to hours of productivity.
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