Traveling can be daunting and stressful if you have an existing illness or medical condition, but it does not have to mean that you should avoid traveling altogether. You still have every right to an enjoyable travel and vacation experience, which can be achieved using the following 5 travel tips to keep you safe.
- Keep Any Relevant Documents on You
Gather any documents and key information relating to your illness or condition and keep them on your person at all times during travel, such as in your carryon bag rather than in your checked bag. This means that others can have access to the relevant information should something happen to you (if you lose consciousness or are unable to explain your condition, for instance).
- Make Your Flight Easier with Customized Medical Support
The prospect of navigating an airport and enduring a flight when you have an illness can be an area of worry, because you may feel trapped or even more vulnerable during a long flight. Choosing medical flight transport services can mean that you are fully supported during your flight thanks to a registered nurse and coordinated logistics which suit you and your condition needs.
- Choose Your Flight Times Wisely
Choose a time of day which is most comfortable for you and your needs. If your illness or condition means that you need to get adequate sleep, or perhaps means you are more uncomfortable during certain times of the day, then planning a suitable flight time is going to be essential. Choose a time when you are most at ease and when a flight will not disrupt your sleep patterns.
- Pick the Right Plane Seat
The seat you choose may have a direct effect on your comfort or pain levels. Think about how best to position yourself (as you may want to be close to the exit, or close to the bathroom) and also how much leg room you need. You may want to consider upgrading if it is within your budget for more space and comfort, or perhaps even buying more than one seat if you would rather have the seat beside you empty.
Aisle seats may also be easier to navigate if you have to get up a lot due to your condition.
- Know Your Limits
It is okay to say no and not do everything when traveling for a vacation. Being open and honest with your own limits in line with your condition means you will not push yourself, and only ever do travel activities you are comfortable with.
Knowing your limits may also apply to the maximum flight time you can deal with, or the maximum duration of a vacation which best suits your needs.
In Summary
Traveling with a chronic illness or condition may never be easy or completely stress-free, but it can be customized to your own needs and comfort levels with some forward planning and assistance from others if needed. When it comes to travel with an illness, always put yourself first and know your own limitations.
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