Apart from getting your kids to drink plenty of milk every single day, it is important that you don’t forget the H2. Maybe, it has no nutrients, water is important for the health of your child. It makes up more than half of the body weight of children and it is absolutely required to keep all parts of the body operating properly.
A few of the apparent benefits of drinking water are like:
- Digestion support
- Prevention of constipation
- Proper blood circulation
What is the importance of water?
Water is absolutely helpful to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, regulate the body temperature, and upkeep electrolyte. Moreover you know there is no particular amount of water recommended for kids, but it is a great idea to give them water throughout the day and not only when they are thirsty.
- In case your child doesn’t like the taste of water then you can add some lime or lemon for flavour.
- You can also try giving those fruits and veggies. These are a great source of water.
- Children must drink more water when they are sick. Even if it is hot out make sure you are keeping kids hydrated. Similarly if your child is physically very active you have to make sure him or her intakes good amount of water.
If you think that water is not safe in your area then you can speak to professionals at Kent ro service number and they would assist you in the right way. After all, water consumption is good only if the water is safe to drink. Once you are giving safe and healthy water, only then it would work in a proper manner. Often it has been seen that kids take a lot of water in their day today life but end up with health issues. It is because of the germs and dust in the water. What is the point if you are giving your children a lot of water daily but they are falling sick because of toxic or dirty water? It is time you install a water purifier or filter system in your space for ensuring clean and safe water.
Your responsibility
It is your responsibility to make sure that your kids are taking proper amount of water. Lack of water would not just affect their routine but also make their body hollow. Since kids are in growing age they need more water than anyone else. You know kids are at a much higher risk of dehydration, as the procedure begins much more quickly in them. Once the body gets dehydrated, the internal temperature goes up and the body, specifically the brain, swelters. As children are still growing, there is even more requirement to keep the body hydrated so that it acts properly. Kids should always have limitless access to safe and clean drinking water. A loss of two percent of body fluids triggers a twenty percent reduction in performance in both mental and physical activities. Dehydration in excess of three percent could head to heat stroke which is a condition to which kids are much more prone than that of adults are.
Another significant reason why children must drink up is that their thirst mechanisms are not completely developed than adults’. Similarly they tend to look after dehydration has already set in. kids must therefore be boosted to drink water even if they are not thirsty. Irritability, Headaches and sleepiness are mostly the signs of dehydration. Certainly, children are shelled with ads of cool soft drinks, but parents and guardians; you should note that water is a far better pick. Since water is such a vital component to the physiology, it would make proper sense that the quality of water has to be just as important as the amount. Therefore the water supply in your house has to be clean and free from contaminants.
You should not forget that your child can get sick, weak and really tired if he or she lacks proper amount of water. Everybody knows that seventy percent of human body is made up of water. If your child is not getting good supply of water during the growing age, he or she might experience deficiencies and their bones and tissues would stay weak. For example, if your child complains that he or she feels really tired after walking a short distance or doing a simple physical activity; you need to do something about it. There is every reason that water would help here. Once you increase the water intake, they would feel more fresh, active and healthy during their workouts and exercises.
Some quick tips to encourage your kids to take water
You should keep the water cold because children often think room temperature water is not at all tasty. Similarly permit your child to pick their favourite cup or that of straw to get used only with water. In case your child wants to use that cup, he or she must pour water in it. Similarly your know good coloured picture or even fun shaped ice cubes are also going to fascinate your kids.
You can also save the sugary and sparkling drinks for a special occasion or treat like that of the movies or out to dinner. You already know that water for kids is an important and healthy habit to develop whilst they are young. In this way they will grow up teaching everyone coming in contact with them the same thing. The point is you have to make water drinking procedure as exciting, fun and creative as possible. You have to put your creative skills on toes and find out what you can do with the available things to make water drinking tasks easy and happening for your kids. After all, it is all about what you do to ensure that your kids take water.
So, note down a Kent helpline number and talk to professionals for the best water purifier or filter in your space. Clean water can keep your kids happy, healthy and fit.
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