The good thing about investing in a luxury watch is that you can eventually sell it. When you need money for emergencies, you know that the watch is valuable enough. Like any other jewellery, there will be an appraisal of the watch to determine how much the price is. Therefore, you have to find a way to preserve its value so you can sell it at a high price despite several years of use.
Always go to authorized repair centres
You need to go directly to the authorized repair centres of your watch brand. If it’s not available locally, you have to send the watch wherever the nearest centre is. You want experts to handle the item with care. You also know that the watch will return to you intact. The problem when you choose other watch repair centres is that you can’t guarantee that they will handle the watch well. They might even replace some parts even if those parts don’t have any problem. People appraising the watch will also know if the watch didn’t receive quality care during the repair.
Don’t agree to parts replacement right away
If the repair diagnosis tells you that you have to replace some parts, you need to ask why. You should also check if it’s necessary for the replacement to happen. Remember that if the watch is no longer intact, its value might decrease. If you agree, make sure that the replacement part is authentic. If it costs you more to replace the damaged part, it’s okay. You can consider an Omega deployment clasp if that part gets damaged.
Ask for regular cleaning and maintenance
You have to take your watch to an expert for regular cleaning and maintenance. It doesn’t cost a lot to take your watch to a service centre for maintenance. It also helps you spot possible damages and problems. You would rather see the issues now and find a way to solve them than wait until things get worse.
Keep everything you received upon purchase
Being able to prove the value and authenticity of your watch is crucial. Therefore, you need to keep all paperwork given to you upon purchase. If there are other accessories and spare parts, you also have to keep them. You need to show that you bought an authentic item, and these things will help.
Be selective in wearing the watch
Make sure you use your luxury watch during appropriate circumstances. Parties and business meetings would be appropriate. Don’t wear the watch on the beach if your goal is to brag that you own one. Unless you have a luxury watch that’s specifically for beach use, then keep it at home. Wear other accessories or no accessories at all if you’re heading to the beach.
With these tips, you can guarantee that the value of your watch remains the same even after many years. You don’t have to worry that the appraiser will complain about how you managed to decrease your watch’s value.
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