As you age, it takes more effort to maintain your physical health. Keeping your mind, bones and muscles in good shape can require consistency and planning. Lifestyle changes can help you to focus your energy on the areas of your health that are the most important as you age.
Osteoporosis is known to primarily affect women but many men also struggle with issues of bone loss. As you get older, your bones start to lose density faster than it can naturally be replaced. This results in your bones becoming brittle and more likely to fracture easily.
If you are concerned about your risk for osteoporosis, talk to your doctor about having a bone density scan with a Complete Medical Services Dexa scan. Knowing what your risks are, and where your bone health is currently at, can help you to create a plan of action to maintain your bone health.
For women over the age of 50, bone health should be made a priority to reduce the risks of developing osteoporosis. There are several things that both men and women can do to help keep their bones strong.
Calcium-Rich Diet
The most easily available source of calcium is through dairy products. Milk, cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of natural calcium. Spinach and sardines are also incredibly high in calcium and can be easily added to your diet. Adults should consume at least 1000 mg per day in their regular diet to maintain excellent bone density. For post menopausal women, the dosage should be increased to 1500 mg per day. If your diet does not allow for a lot of dairy products, talk to your doctor about a suitable supplement.
Regular exercise has total body benefits at any age. As you start to get older, keeping up a routine of weight bearing and resistance exercise is a great way to fight off the development of osteoporosis. Activities like walking, jogging and weight training are the best types of weight bearing exercise. A 30-45 minute routine 5 times a week can help you not only stay in shape and regulate your weight but provide excellent defense against weakening bones. Resistance exercises like Pilates, yoga and Tai Chi can help improve muscle strength and balance to reduce the risk of falls and accidents.
Vitamin D
The most efficient way to absorb calcium into your body is to maintain a proper level of Vitamin D in your body. The best source of Vitamin D is from the sun, but exposure should be limited due to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Talk to your doctor about the best supplement that can be added to your diet to get your vitamin levels up.
While diet and exercise are the most effective ways to help you avoid the development of osteoporosis, there are things that you can do in your daily life that can also help. Cigarette smokers are much more likely to develop bone density issues, so quitting or cutting back on your smoking habit is always a move in the right direction. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake to lower your risk of osteoporosis. Both caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate your body and leach calcium from your bones, so making wise decisions about your consumption levels can help you get on track.
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