If you’re not too familiar with the concepts in astrology, the phrase “Mercury in retrograde” can seem baffling. It’s often associated with bad luck or a run of bad moods and weather by different people, but is it just that? If you’re guessing about the meaning of the phrase Mercury retrograde and you want to know more so you can be fully prepared for its possible effects, look no further.
Mercury in the Sky
Good psychics will quickly tell you the phrase comes from the actual appearance of the planet Mercury in the sky when you observe it. A retrograde is a period of time where the passage of Mercury in the sky seems to reverse direction from the point of view of an observer on Earth. What is actually happening is its relationship to the Earth and sun puts it in a position opposite its usual orientation to the planet, which has effects on the solar system’s gravity and on the astrological effects of the other planets.
Effects of a Mercury Retrograde
Planetary retrogrades of all kinds change the nature of the domains that planet rules in astrology. For Mercury, that means expression and communication. While casual references to the retrograde can make it seem like bad luck, it’s specifically a reversal of usual trends with regard to those topics. As a result, many people find that otherwise stable relationships hit the rocks. Love psychics often remind clients to be especially careful about saying or doing anything to permanently change the nature of a romantic relationship during a retrograde, as the usual chemistry between people will be off. Of course, if the decision was made before the event started, then following through is still a good idea but doing it in the Mercury retrograde could make the change more difficult.
The Fall 2021 Mercury Retrograde
The planet Mercury finished a period of retrograde in Gemini in May, following on its previous one that ran from January to February, where it traveled in both Aquarius and Pisces. The next 2021 Mercury retrograde event is going to be in the fall, starting on September 28th and ending on October 16th. The planet’s retrograde will pass entirely in Libra that time out. If you’re wondering how to prepare for the event ahead of time, you’ll want to consult the best tarot card reader or astrologist you can find for insight about the particular implications of a retrograde for someone with your relationship to both Mercury and Libra.
Learn More About Astrological Events
There’s no better way to find out more specifics about how upcoming planetary events will affect someone with your birth chart than to ask good psychics with skills in astrology, tarot, and other traditional arts that bring insight to one’s life. Connecting spiritually with your faith begins by connecting spiritually with yourself. That’s why so many people turn to astrology specifically when seeking insights into their own motivations and behavior. Where Tarot can answer questions about where you are at and what decisions you face, astrology can answer the questions about who you are and why you react the way you do to life’s trials and joys.
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