Whereas for some people, eyeglasses are not an issue, others find it nothing short of a menace. Not only does it mostly cramp the style, but their maintenance takes so much energy as well.
The need for glasses stems from refractive errors in the eye mess that up the way light is focused in the eye. Consequently, vision issues ensue that require the use of eyeglasses, which then help the eyes focus light on the right spot for vision correction.
Being nearsighted
Myopia is a condition marked up the inability to see objects located at a distance. It results due to the elongation of the eyeball. People are thus just able to see the objects near them, as light inside of their eye-lens is not refracted properly. People who are myopic have to, more often than not, continuously wear their eyeglasses.
Being farsighted
Due to the shortening of the eyeball, people have trouble looking at things that are near their eyes. Although they are able to look at the far away objects, they have to don on the glasses when doing activities like reading or using phone. Hyperopia or far sightedness is also brought on due to age, which is known as presbyopia.
This condition results from the curvature issue of the eye. Therefore, light is not focused properly in the eye which leads to blurred vision. Astigmatism also requires the use of glasses, but good news for such patients is that glasses can help fix the underlying issue. However, be sure to consult only the best eye specialist in Islamabad before abandoning the use of glasses.
What solutions are possible then?
Working under the myth that carrots help improve vision, so many people try fixing their diet to get rid of the glasses. However, the prospects of this happening are very slim. Therefore, more robust action is needed to cure this issue.
There are many invasive and non-invasive techniques that can serve as an alternative to glasses.
Contact lenses
These easiest and quickest temporary fix to the problem. Contact lenses are disk shaped plastic lenses that are placed on the eyeball. Their biggest advantage is that they are non-invasive and useful for all sorts of refractive errors.
The main categories of lenses are the hard and soft ones. The former are firmer and more resistant to protein deposits etc. Hard lenses also ensure smoother version for people suffering from astigmatism.
Soft lenses are more flexible in their usage. They are also easier and more comfortable to put on. Its many varieties are also available; disposable, extended wear, colored, clear etc.
Regardless of the type of lens you go for, their cleaning is very important. If proper protocol is not followed, infections can occur. Life of the lens also gets reduced if it is not stored and cleaned properly.
Photorefractive Keratectomy
This is a surgical method to improve and fix the vision. In this technique, LASER is used to reshape the surface of the cornea of the eye. The entire outer layer of cornea, known as corneal epithelium, is removed in this process.
Using another laser, the surface shape is changed so that light is able to refract at the correct angle. Once the surgery is successfully carried, the vision is restored –generally—to the norm.
PRK procedure
In this surgery, patient is first administered numbing drop and medicines to make them comfortable. Then, the epithelium is removed which can take up to 60 seconds. Then, using a precise laser –excimer laser—the remodeling of the corneal tissue is done. Finally, a bandage similar to contact lens is put on top of the corneal to promote healing.
It can take some time for the eye to completely heal, during which photosensitivity etc. can be experienced.
Lasik is also a popular surgical technique to get rid of the glassed. In this surgery, the epithelium is not completely removed. Instead a flap is created using laser of blade on the surface. It is then raised up, and laser is shown inside through this crevice to reshape the cornea. Once done, the flap is put back into place.
LASIK Procedure
In LASIK surgery, numbing drops are placed in the eyes. Then, with the help of a tiny blade or special laser, known as femtosecond laser, flap of the corneal epithelium layer is cut. After this, the flap is raised to expose the tissue underneath. Through this pathway, subsequent tissues are accessed and reshaped so that light can be reflected properly.
As only a flap is cut out of the tissue, healing is quicker. It can take few days to get better, but the complete healing might take a month or so. However, this flap can possibly lead to future complication if things take a turn for the worse, which is why PRK is considered safer. In any case, confer with the top eye specialist in Islamabad before getting any procedure done.
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