Much has been spoken about the last year or two about the power of online reputation management companies, and their role in preserving and repairing online reputations. Despite any negative commentaries which you may have read, these companies do a brilliant job for a wide number of clients.
I was speaking to a member of staff at a reputable reputation management agency recently, asking about what kind of clients actually use their service. If you too have been wondering something similar, these are the top 3 types of clients which these companies work hard for.
The number one client for reputation management companies are businesses, small and large. The reputation of a company is the difference between success and failure and this who understand this, have rightfully invested in making sure that their online reputation stays in tact. The world of business can at times be a dirty one with mud slinging and slander apr for the course in many situations. When something like this happens, a reputation could be ruined in a matter of days, and unless the business has invested in the protection of their online reputation, the damage could be catastrophic. Reputation management companies can fix PR disasters, attacks on the reputation and also in maintaining a positive reputation for businesses.
For as long as there have been celebrities, there have been people looking after their image, and today’s world is no different. We live in an age where every aspect of a celebrity’s life is plastered across social media and other media outlets, making the preservation of their reputation absolutely critical. As we have seen in recent years, the reputation and legacy of a celebrity can be destroyed in an instant with a simple tweet or Facebook update that goes viral. Rep management companies work hard for celebrities to ensure that the reputation which they have worked extremely hard to create, does not get destroyed by a single moment of madness, accusation or scandal. In a world of 24/7 communication, this is by far and away the toughest type of client which a rep management firm can have.
CEOs and Business Leaders
Aside from the businesses themselves, the leaders of business also very often invest in reputation management as anything negative can impact the business. One example which the member of staff told me about was a CEO who had been accused of groping a member of his team. Just 2 months after the story broke, the employee admitted that she had made the claim falsely, in an effort to get revenge for losing her job. Despite the CEO being completely cleared of any wrongdoing, the internet was awash with stories of the accusation and a simple Google of his name, brought up pages upon pages of reports about the accusation. In this instance the reputation management company were able to clean up the online reputation of the man, leaving his rep in tact, some aren’t so lucky.
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